Innovation made in NRW – Circular economy
“Innovations made in NRW” presents best practices from various branches of mechanical and plant engineering and shows how a Circular Economy can be implemented.
“Innovations made in NRW” presents best practices from various branches of mechanical and plant engineering and shows how a Circular Economy can be implemented.
ProduktionNRW’s innovation magazine is published two to three times a year and focuses on important trend topics for the industry based on application examples.
Cooperation between start-ups and companies from the mechanical and plant engineering sector holds great potential. The current ProduktionNRW innovation magazine shows how cooperations succeed.
The manufacturer-independent exchange of data forms an important basis for Industry 4.0 activities. The innovation magazine of ProduktionNRW presents successful examples.
Power-to-X is regarded as an important building block for climate protection. The innovation magazine published at the end of November 2020 is dedicated to this exciting topic and shows best practices.
Magazine “Innovationen made in NRW” shows how businesses can successfully navigate the path to digitalisation.
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The third issue of ProduktionNRW’s innovation magazine takes up the topic of “additive manufacturing” and shows application examples of this new process.
The innovation magazine of ProduktionNRW shows how companies are approaching their future vision “Industry 4.0” by implementing artificial intelligence projects. The magazine presents interesting entrepreneurial approaches on 32 pages.
Industry-relevant, informative, inspiring – the second issue of “Innovations made in NRW” is available! ProduktionNRW looks at the topic of “lightweight construction” from a scientific perspective in its current issue.