There are many activities organised by ProduktionNRW’s network partners throughout North Rhine-Westphalia. These activities aim at young people such as pupils, students, teachers and companies.
Netzwerk Industrie RuhrOst (NIRO)
The Netzwerk Industrie RuhrOst (NIRO) is also actively involved in programs for young talent, such as the Berufsakademie Unna and the “zdi Center Kreis Unna: Perspektive Technik”. The zdi network Perspektive Technik aims to inspire children and young people with practical offers along the entire educational chain for natural sciences and technology and to secure the next generation of technical talent for the district of Unna.
zdi-Zentrum Kreis Unna
The “zdi Center Kreis Unna: Perspective on Technology,” coordinated by the Foundation for Continuing Education Kreis Unna, aims to improve career guidance for technical professions and courses of study and to support technology instruction in the district of Unna. Children and young people should enjoy technical and scientific contexts as early as possible by experiencing and learning about technology. To this end, the network offers activities along the entire educational chain.
For example, a teaching project on vehicle construction for elementary schools, a lending workshop for elementary schools with tools for technical projects, career-oriented technology courses for grades 9-12, company visits to technology-oriented companies, the “Perspective on Technology” trade fair, qualification of teachers and educators in the field of technology, etc.
Kompetenzwerkstatt MINT-Frauen in OstWestfalenLippe
Improving career opportunities for women in STEM professions – Innovative recruitment and retention of skilled workers for companies through the MINT Women Competence Workshop. The IHK Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld has launched the competence workshop MINT* women in OWL. Economic requirements as well as demographic and technical developments are increasingly presenting companies with the challenge of recruiting skilled workers in the fields of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology (MINT). The aim of the project “Kompetenzwerkstatt MINT-Frauen in OWL” (Competence Workshop MINT Women in OWL) is to attract qualified women to companies, to promote their professional careers and to enable their long-term retention in companies. The project supports companies in developing innovative recruitment methods and personnel development strategies in order to sustainably increase the proportion of women among STEM professionals.