25 companies and initiatives will use this year’s NRW joint stand at Hannover Messe (May 30 to June 2, 2022) to showcase innovations and new technologies.
Hannover Messe 2022 will take place from May 30 to June 2, 2022, in Hannover, Germany, and will address the topics of Automation, Motion & Drives, Digital Ecosystems, Energy Solutions, Engineered Parts & Solutions, Future Hub, Global Business & Markets and Logistics. The focus is on digitalization and sustainability. The partner country of the Hannover Messe is Portugal. After the pandemic-related break, the focus of the trade fair will be on physical presence as well as personal exchanges about products, technologies and innovations. This will be supplemented by extensive virtual presentation opportunities.
The state of NRW is represented with two booths at the Hannover Messe: “Automation & Digital Factory” and “Key Technologies & New Materials”, giving exhibitors the appropriate setting to showcase solutions for industry.
Exhibitors at the NRW joint stand “Automation & Digital Factory” in Hall 11 Stand A/B13
- @-yet Industrial IT Security GmbH: www.add-yet-iis.de
- achelos GmbH: www.achelos.de
- ATR Industrie-Elektronik GmbH: www.atrie.de
- Benaco Scanning Germany: www.benaco.com
- Bergische Struktur- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH : www.bergische-gesellschaft.de
- cloudSME UG: www.cloudsme.eu
- Competence Center 5G.NRW: www.5g.nrw
- CYBERSEC-NRW gGmbH // Digital-Sicher.NRW: www.digital-sicher.nrw
- Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production (IoP)/PROTECA: www.iop.rwth-aachen.de and www.proteca.rwth-aachen.de
- F.H. Papenmeier GmbH & Co. KG: www.papenmeier.de
- Dortmund University of Applied Sciences: www.fh-dortmund.de
- Grunewald GmbH & CO. KG www.grunewald.de
- ITB Ingenieurgesellschaft für technische Berechnungen mbH: www.itb-fem.de
- In|Die Region Ruhr c/o Wirtschaftsförderung Deutschland: www.regionruhr.de
- J. D. Theile GmbH & Co. KG: www.jdt.de
- Netzwerk Maschinenbau Südwestfalen / c/o GWS im MK mbH: www.nemas-sw.de
- NIRO: www.ni-ro.de
- NRW.Global Business GmbH: www.nrwglobalbusiness.com
- OWL Maschinenbau e.V.: www.owl-maschinenbau.de
- ProduktionNRW c/o VDMA e.V.: www.produktion.nrw.de
- R&D Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG: www.rud.info/de
- R&D Steuerungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG: www.rud.info/de
- RWTH Aachen University – Chair of Building and Indoor Climate Technology: www.ebc.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de/cms/~dmzz/E-ON-ERC-EBC
- secida AG: www.secida.com
- Worldline Germany GmbH: https://de.worldline.com
- CERTIFIED AI – Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAI: www.iais.fraunhofer.de
Information on the NRW joint booth “Key Technologies & New Materials” in Hall 2 Booth A30
Mechanical and plant engineering in NRW
With almost 200,000 employees in more than 1,600 companies, mechanical engineering is the largest industrial employer in North Rhine-Westphalia. Its turnover in 2021 was 42.9 billion euros. North Rhine-Westphalia is home to major world-class industrial companies as well as dozens of smaller “hidden champions” that are leaders in their fields of business. Every fifth German machine is produced in North Rhine-Westphalia, with drive technology and fittings among the specialist sectors with the highest production values. Mechanical and plant engineering provides impetus and at the same time is an “enabler” for many other branches of industry. It enables the digital transformation of industry and, in terms of sustainability, ensures the necessary savings in energy and CO2.