As a key industry, the mechanical and plant engineering sector in North Rhine-Westphalia needs highly qualified employees who can identify and exploit opportunities for innovation even in a turbulent environment. We are looking for the best minds and talents who can implement and shape innovations on their own responsibility.
The demand for engineers and skilled workers has risen constantly in recent years. Promoting young talent and lifelong learning is therefore a top priority for ProduktionNRW. In North Rhine-Westphalia, numerous players are promoting education and training in STEM subjects (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology) in city, regional and statewide initiatives from kindergarten to university and in continuing education projects.
Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day
Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day are held annually in the spring. Young people explore gender-atypical professions. Girls complete one-day internships in technical, scientific, manual or IT professions and get to know executive floors and successful women in management positions. Boys spend a day working in professions in the social, nursing or educational sectors, training their social skills or working in workshops on various topics related to ideas of masculinity.
Telephone hotlines answer questions about Girls’Day and Boys’Day and help find places for action.
The Internet offers the most convenient way to search for an action site: Over 80,000 places are already listed on the action maps at www.girlsday. de and New offers for exploring gender-atypical professions are added daily. Anyone who still can’t find what they’re looking for, has questions about the offers or can call the specially set-up hotline.
Aufstiegs-BAföG – Further education advice NRW
The “Aufstiegs-BAföG” (formerly “Meister-BAföG”) represents a subsidy according to the “Aufstiegsfortbildungsförderungsgesetz” (AFBG). It is the equivalent of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) in vocational training. Various components (e.g., grant, low-interest loan, childcare allowance, contribution to living expenses) are used to support individuals preparing for a challenging advanced training qualification.
Pupil BAföG is paid for attendance at secondary general education schools from grade 10, for vocational schools, including classes of all forms of basic vocational training, for specialized and specialized upper secondary school classes or further education colleges and postgraduate vocational schools.
An entitlement to benefits under BAföG always exists if the educational needs are not covered by the trainee’s own income and assets or the income of the spouse and parents and the trainee meets certain personal requirements (for example, nationality, maximum age). For certain of the above-mentioned types of education (for example, general education schools), education assistance can also only be provided if the students do not live with their parents and are necessarily accommodated away from home.