The federal government’s promotional loan provides a high level of funding for particularly climate-friendly components, systems and solutions and a repayment subsidy of up to 60 percent.
A new guideline for the “Federal Funding for Energy and Resource Efficiency” (EEW) came into force on February 15, 2024. In the amendment, the promotional program was adapted to the changed legal framework conditions of the EU, among other things, and the promotional loan in the “Federal Promotion for Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy” is now available again in an amended version.
KfW is now accepting applications for the loan program “Federal Promotion for Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy”. With this program, KfW promotes particularly climate-friendly components, systems and solutions in companies.
In addition to the previous repayment grants of up to 60 percent, the program now also includes interest rate reductions from 18 April 2024. It is also possible to apply for an investment grant from the BafA (Federal Office of Economics and Export Control).
New is the increase in the maximum loan volume from 25 to 100 million euros, the increase in the maximum funding amount from 15 to 20 million euros in funding modules 2, 3 and 4 and the extension of the funding to the entire investment costs.