Image source: VDMA NRW
Stephan Remmert from Löhne becomes new spokesman of the board of the mechanical engineering network owl maschinenbau e.V.
t the general meeting of owl maschinenbau, the competence network for mechanical and plant engineering in Ostwestfalen-Lippe, the members elected a new board on August 24, 2023. Stephan Remmert, Managing Director of Remmert GmbH, was elected as the new spokesman for the owl maschinenbau board. Remmert had already been involved in the association’s executive board for several years.
His predecessor, Hans-Dieter Tenhaef, managing partner of MIT Moderne Industrietechnik, had decided after 12 years of dedicated leadership not to stand for election as board spokesman. Under his leadership, the association had achieved significant milestones and continued to establish itself as an important voice in East Westphalian mechanical engineering. Tenhaef is a member of the board of VDMA North Rhine-Westphalia.