The funded resource efficiency consulting program offers companies from industry and the skilled trades support for increasing resource efficiency and the transformation to a circular economy.
The “Resource Efficiency Consulting” funding program is designed to support commercial industry and the skilled trades in increasing resource efficiency and transforming to a circular economy. This will enable companies to improve their competitive position. North Rhine-Westphalia can establish itself as a location for environmentally friendly, resource-efficient production methods and sustainable business.
The funded consulting services are intended to encourage companies to focus on a resource-efficient and circular way of doing business, also in the spirit of the European Green Deal. Around 4 million euros of ERDF and state funds are available for this purpose.
Funding is available for independent consulting with a focus on innovations for a more circular as well as resource-saving and -efficient design of their business and production processes.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the commercial sector with their registered office or branch office in North Rhine-Westphalia and companies with their registered office or branch office in the European Union are eligible to apply if the project is mainly carried out and exploited in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Applications must be submitted via the portal. Subject to available budget funds, a complete application can be submitted for the last time on October 31, 2023.
Resource efficiency consulting serves to implement ERDF/JTF program priority 2 (SME-friendly NRW) and contributes there to the specific objective of “Increasing the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and creating jobs in SMEs, including through productive investments”. It is based on the funding guideline “Resource Efficiency and Sustainability”.
Further information