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EIP-Agrar.NRW funding competition

The Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection is launching the second call for innovative project applications in the “European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” (EIP-AGRI) funding program in the current funding period. This funding program is part of the National Strategic Plan.

The EIP-Agrar.NRW funding competition is intended to help improve the competitiveness and innovative capacity of North Rhine-Westphalia’s agriculture, forestry, food and horticulture sectors. Innovations under EIP can be technical, organizational, methodological or social.

Project ideas can be submitted to the competition in the following areas:

  • Resource-conserving agriculture and forestry: The conservation of natural and social resources should be further improved in agriculture and forestry. In addition to the basic resources of water, soil and air, this also includes energy, labor and finances.
  • Climate protection and adaptation in agriculture and forestry: The aim is to further develop management methods in agriculture and forestry to mitigate climate change and adapt to its consequences.
  • Value creation: Improving the value creation of agricultural and forestry products through innovative processing and marketing programs to establish and qualify regional value chains.

All topics that can be derived at EU level are still eligible for the competition in terms of the focus of projects within the framework of the EIP Agriculture.

Competition entries can be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia from May 14, 2024 to August 20, 2024.

Further information