Against the backdrop of the shortage of skilled workers in purchasing, strategies were discussed on how management and motivation can create a framework to keep talented employees in the company.
On 23 November 2023, the virtual exchange of experiences on the topic of “Purchasing” took place with a focus on digitalization and leadership.
First, VDMA purchasing expert Michael Wolf took a close look at the challenges of digitalization in purchasing. How can digitalization support and relieve the burden on purchasing? This question was the focus of the presentation, which highlighted innovative approaches and best practices. He highlighted the core requirements for digitalization and emphasized the quality of master data as the fundamental basis for successful digitalization. In order to be able to use digital tools effectively, he recommended starting with a roadmap for the development of purchasing.
Jessika Jung, consultant at Durch Denken Vorne Consult GmbH, focused in her presentation on the crucial topic of employee management in a digital society. Against the backdrop of the shortage of skilled workers in procurement, strategies were discussed on how leadership and motivation can create a framework to retain talented employees in the company. Particular attention was paid to an appropriate management approach that takes into account the requirements of the constantly changing world of work.
The concluding panel took a look into the future by analyzing the upcoming challenges in procurement for the year 2024. In addition to concerns about further price increases, the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act was discussed as a challenge for the coming year.
The event was organized by ProduktionNRW. ProduktionNRW is the cluster for mechanical engineering and production technology in North Rhine-Westphalia and is organized by VDMA NRW. ProduktionNRW sees itself as a platform for networking, informing and marketing companies, institutions and networks with each other and along the value chain. Significant parts of the services provided by ProduktionNRW are funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.